maxi king

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maxi king's Guestbook

luckyoyoJun 19, 2011

Morning Irmtraut, How are you today? I'm having a great holiday,\:D \:D \:rah\: we've been really busy so I haven't had a lot of time to play on the sims,\:\( the holiday has gone really quickly,\:\( I knew it would, still we have another week off in July,\:D In July I will be off to France for two day to say godbye to my Aunty\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: as she has Cancer\:mad\: \:mad\: and hasn't got very long,\:\( \:\( \:\( my husband is staying at home to look after Lily, the weathers been very changeable all week but thats ok as week needed the rain, we are having a day at home today so I might get to play the sims,\:\) well thats my news, speak to you soon my friend.\:wub\: take care\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: hugs\:wub\: \:wub\: Dee xxxx

ArelienJun 17, 2011

Thankyou for your nice comment on my Circles 2 pattern! Much appreciated!\:rah\:

luckyoyoJun 13, 2011

Morning Irmtraut, How are you today? I'm sorry I haven't written to you lately I've been busy playing the sims,\:P I haven't played it in months and forgot how much I love it,\:D so every moment I had spare I was playing it,\:o I'm on holiday as of now \:D \:D so I would have even more time to play it but we are going to be busy this week so I might get an hour or two,\:P we are going to go out for days when the weather is good so far it rained yesterday\:\( and is very cloudy and drizzly today,\:\( I hope we get some sunshine\:cool\: as we want to go to a place called thorpe park, it's a park that has lots of roller costers,\:rah\: I can't wait to go as I haven't been on a roller coster in years,\:rah\: anyway thats my news oh yeah\:D I'm loving the strollers too and the bunk beds, spiral stairs, water slide....\:o \:o \:P sorry got a bit carried away there \:o anyway must go speak to you soon my friend, take care lots of hugs\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: :wub\:Dee xxxxxxxx

QuengelJun 6, 2011

Na soooo abgeh�ngt auch nicht... Angst? Nein!

PralinesimsJun 5, 2011

Hi\:rah\:\:rah\: Thank you  SO  much for commenting!!!!!!!!!!!!\:wub\:\:wub\: Have a sweet sunday! **KISSES**\:wub\:\:wub\:

luckyoyoJun 4, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, How are you today?  It's a lovely day today the sun\:cool\: is shining but it's not to hot.\:D   How are you liking the new EP, I've not played it much as I'm creating at the moment.\:\) speak to you soon, Take care,\:wub\: Dee xxxx

QuengelJun 3, 2011

Gewitter... lass mal �berlegen....... (bin schon �lter...) ich glaube am Mittwoch, ja... aber war nicht schlimm (will was hei�en, wenn ICH das sage!!). Das neue EP habe ich nicht... hatte jetzt eh (bevor das Haus jetzt erstellt habe) ca. 3-4 Monate Sims nicht mehr an... und: ich kann's mir nicht leisten! W�nsche Dir noch einen sch�nen Tag... �brigens... ja... \:D liegst richtig mit Deiner Vermutung, wer mich inspiriert hatte... \:D wer auch sonst? LOL \;\)

QuengelJun 3, 2011

Thank you my dear friend for you compliment on my new upcoming house! \;\) \:\) \:wub\: ... someone inspired me... *knuddel Dich ganz dolle* \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

luckyoyoMay 31, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, How are you today?  It's been raining most of the day today\:\( still the garden needs it, Lily now goes out and is finally back to normal\:\) (well as normal as she can be), she still limps on her leg\:\( but I think she will always be like that, as long as she's happy thats all that matters.  My dad is taking us out to Jamie Olivers resterant on the 18th of June,\:D we've never been so I don't know what it's like, I just hope the food is nice and it's not too fancy,\:o well that's all my news, are you looking forward to the new sims game generations? I am, \:D it looks like a lot of fun but then again EA probably took some of the stuff out,\:\( have to wait and see. I ordered it from Amazon this time so I hope I will get it on the day of release,\:P speak to you soon my friend. take care, :wub\:Dee xxxx

matomibotakiMay 27, 2011

\:rah\:Freue mich sehr, daß dir mein - PatioFenceSet - gefällt!!!! Herzlichen Dank für den lieben Komi!!! Wünsche ein wunderschönes Wochenende!\:rah\:

luckyoyoMay 25, 2011

Hi Irmtraut,  How are you today?  It's been lovely here today not to hot\:cool\: but  we really could do with some rain, we've taken Lily's coller off now \:D and she doesn't seam to licking the foot much which is good,\:D although we have decided to put it on when we can't watch her, she is doing so much better and she's walking much better on her foot now.  \:D Well I'm off, speak to you soon, take care hugs:wub\:Dee xxxx

MartikaMay 22, 2011

You are welcome!\:wub\: Have a nice week!\:\)

luckyoyoMay 21, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, How are you?  Lily's had her stiches out and she is doing great, \:D she still has to wear her coller\:\( but only until Wednesday, it looks very strange as she now has one paw biger than the other\:eek\: and she limps on it now,\:\( I think she needs to get used to the bandages being off, the weather has been lovely today I went to sleep with the sunshine\:cool\: and now it is still sunny\:cool\: , I hope you have the same,\:D well I'm off now, speak soon, take care :wub\:Dee xxxx

fabrizioammolloMay 20, 2011

Hi Irmtraut! You are totally welcome! Wishing you a wonderful week-end!!! F.

SIMcredible!May 19, 2011

Hallo, Irmtraut\:\) We are glad you liked our Domino set \:D Thanks for your sweet comments and hope you have a wonderful sunny weekend \:cool\: Umarmungen \:wub\:

luckyoyoMay 18, 2011

Hi Irmtraut,  How are you today?  Lily is doing well thank you,\:D   she had another dandage change on Monday, the next one she will have the stiches out, I don't know if they will bandage it up again or if they will leave it open have to wait and see on that one.  It's been raining most of the day today,\:\( the garden needed it badly, I hope we will get sun \:cool\: again soon, I've got to go now, speak soon, hugs \:wub\: Dee xxxx

hiedibear75May 18, 2011

I sub-folder by artist or web-site. \;\)  Yes they have had other bad tenants. \:mad\:  Yes Trent works for a larger company during the day & Denise takes care of the building they live in while he is at work & then he helps do big heavy jobs on the weekend or after work. \:cool\:  + I'm sure the rain we've been getting off & on hasn't been helping her any with owies......I know it's been messing with ME. \:wacko\:  I will call her on Saterday if I don't bump into her on-line before then & I'll be sure to tell her. \:\)  Like I've said're the sweetest thing to come from Germany since GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE! \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\:  Take care. \:wub\:

luckyoyoMay 18, 2011

Hi Irmtraut,  How are you today?  Thank you for the compliment on my window\:wub\: , meshing is very hard,\:eek\: it took me a good few months\:eek\: to work out how to do it, now I have I hope to make better things but it takes so long to do,\:rolleyes: Lily had her dressing changed again, \:\) it's still not healed properly,\:\( we're hoping the stitches will be taken out on Friday,\:\) I know she's getting fed up with the bandages,\:mad\: I don't know what the weathers been like today as I was asleep but when I woke up it was sunny.\:cool\: Wishing you a warm and sunny\:cool\: day my friend. Keep safe. Hugs:wub\:Dee xxxx

hiedibear75May 17, 2011

I'm managing. \;\)  I've got some MAJOR sorting out to do. \:rolleyes:  I guess I must have put something into my game that it didn't like......cuz now I can PLAY with ALL my CC but when I try to go to the build/buy mode the game crashes! \:eek\: \:mad\:  So I may have to go back to square one....yet AGAIN! \:\(  Aside from that the weather has been OK-ish.....still a bit too cold for my taste but at least it hasn't been raining every day. \:P LOL  I've been trying to help people out via on-line who have injuries like mine......I wish the web would have been around when I 1st got hurt both so I'd understand better what was going on with me but also other people to talk to/with about it & help eachother cope. \:\)  Denise has been doing some renovating/remodeling one of the apartments they live in (her & her husband are the managers) when the tenant moved out they found the place was a total mess....they guy was living in the apartment like it was a barn or something; they had to tear out all the cabinets,carpeting, & even the drywall & bathroom plumbing had to be redone along with the tiles for the bathroom & kitchen cuz the guy was so messy he let mold & mildew get really bad from piled dishes & just not cleaning the tub when it was just soap scum or a dirt ring around the it ALL HAD TO GO! \:mad\:  And she has still been having lots of bucket days & still having to do the work cuz they NEED the money. \:\(  Well take care. \:cool\:  HUGS! \:wub\:

luckyoyoMay 14, 2011

Hi Irmtraut, How are you today?  I'm finally getting the hang of meshing,\:D it's taken me a while and it's not easy,\:\( I'm going to do simple things to start with as it is so complicated.\:eek\:   I'm still working on my story although I don't get a lot of time on it now,\:\( I will get it finished one day. \:rolleyes: Lily's doing really well,\:D she had her dresssing changed yesterday and it's healing nicely.  \:D I hope you had sunshine\:cool\: today, it was sunny \:cool\: when I left work this morning but now it's cold and cloudy, \:\( I'm off now, speak to you soon my friend. Keep safe\:wub\: Hugs Dee xxxx

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